Daniyar Zhanbekov

Investment Professional

Daniyar Zhanbekov, a distinguished entrepreneur and financier, has built a career that spans several high-stakes sectors, including investment banking, private equity, media, and film production. Originating from Kazakhstan, his academic excellence earned him the prestigious Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship, paving the way for him to study in the United States at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. He was recognized with the All USA Academic Team award, honoring his exceptional academic performance and proactive leadership initiatives.

After completing his studies, Daniyar's career commenced at Bain & Company, where he developed a keen expertise in business strategy and operational efficiency. This experience was crucial as he transitioned to Wall Street, joining Lehman Brothers and working in their Technology Media and Telecom group. His roles in New York and London offered him a deep dive into the intricacies of global finance and corporate strategies.

In 2007, Daniyar returned to Kazakhstan, bringing a wealth of international experience; he applied to Renaissance Capital. His adept financial management and strategic development skills allowed him to ascend to prominent positions within the company quickly. He later ventured into the private equity sector, directing significant investments in the telecoms and retail industries as Director of Investments at a leading firm. Additionally, he founded the Kazakhstan Hong Development Fund, a $400 million project that attracted significant investments from both Hong Kong and the Kazakh government.

Daniyar also explored entrepreneurial ventures in the media industry, founding Arai Media and Arai Production, which he built into a leading provider of private TV content in Kazakhstan. After selling this business, he acquired Basel Insurance and partnered with Everest Capital Management to undertake a successful real estate development project in Almaty. He remains the sole shareholder of Basel Insurance, guiding the company through strategic growth and market challenges.

Aside from his business achievements, Daniyar is committed to philanthropy, particularly in supporting educational and mentorship programs for underprivileged youth. He believes strongly in the power of education and personal development to transform lives, a commitment that has driven him to provide support, guidance, and resources to help young people succeed. His philanthropic endeavors began in earnest following an impactful experience at an Iftar dinner at an orphanage.

Following the September 11 attacks, Daniyar founded an organization promoting religious understanding and tolerance among students. This initiative provides a platform for dialogue and education, promoting peace and understanding across diverse communities.

In his personal life, he enjoys spending time with his family and participates in various sports, including soccer, table tennis, hiking, and swimming. These activities help him relax and maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Daniyar Zhanbekov's life and career demonstrate a profound blend of professional success, strategic insight, and a deep commitment to contributing positively to society.
